​ ​Important life lessons that are not taught in school and university


Important life lessons that are not taught in school and university



Compilation and arrangement: Dr. Toufan Daneshmand

You learn a lot in your university courses. You always think about important life lessons and allow us to define ourselves. We choose our ideologies and perceptions of life. For the first time, we freely experience the development and definition of our unique existence. We experience many firsts in college.

University life teaches us many things. But this article deals with important life lessons that you will never learn if you study in university for years.

University classes and books cannot be used much.

The person sitting next to you in the office may not be in your same field, but you both get the same respect and get paid the same. It doesn't matter where you went to university or where you studied, what matters is what your boss wants from you and what skills he expects from you. For him, it doesn't matter if you went to university or not, life outside the university is beyond lectures and textbooks.

Important life lessons, in life, skills are important.

Your boss may be a very young person and you call him sir or boss. In college, a student may have respected you as an elder. Because you were older than him. There was a university where you were respected for being big and one or two classes high. In real life, respect is earned and depends on the skills you acquire and the talent you display.

The art of communication

You will realize the importance of good communication in life. You may fall in love with a girl and have to propose to her. Either you need to ask for a raise, or you may want to talk to your neighbors about your apartment or living space. Communication skills are what can make or break you. Therefore, it is important to have good communication and the art of establishing communication in real life and outside of university classes.

How to correctly judge people.

A person in your office may be your best friend in times of need. But he will cut off your chances for promotion because he doesn't want you to surpass him. So you need to learn how to identify the characteristics of people around you. It is always possible that one's actions contradict one's words.

Pay attention to your behavior: what you say, how you say it and to whom you say it.

You might fight and misbehave with your friends at university, but an hour later you can talk and laugh with them. Because you had to do the course, the university, and the assignments given together. But in life the story is different. In university, your friends and others knew what you meant and it didn't need to be explained. But in life, people understand you based on their perceptions, not based on the words you speak.

Networking and social connections always help

You cannot survive in life without social network and communication. You need to introduce yourself and your work. You need a new home; You have to start a business; You should have your own group of social activists. All this means that you need good relations with people.

They speak in relationships, actions and behaviors

In college life, a love affair continues with sweet words. But in real life actions speak. When you look at a person, you actually observe his actions. And you realize how he makes you feel. So, besides being careful with the words you use, be careful with your actions and movements.

It's okay to make mistakes, but it should be a new mistake every time.

Every mistake allows you to learn. introduces you to a new lesson. But to be successful you have to make a new mistake every time so that you always learn a new lesson.

Keep going, life is a journey not a destination

When you were studying, you only wanted good grades. When you got to college, you wanted to be famous and graduate. Once you got a job, your next goal was promotion. After the promotion, you wanted a vacation ticket to enjoy with your family and many other things. Life goes on and every moment you have new expectations and dreams. So just pay attention to the small joys and pay attention to your life path and keep moving.

Everyone is busy with their own life, so you have to take care of yourself

Everyone around you is fighting with themselves and their lives. Even a five-year-old child has his own challenges, duties and hobbies. Everyone only thinks about themselves, so take care of yourself. You should love and care for the person you see in the mirror. Because the university is over and your friends are not around you.


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